中国制造业的复苏 工业自动化 中国制造业的复苏 Interact Analysis have recently updated the Manufacturing Industry Output Tracker (MIO) with an update to…Theresa Haworth2022-01-11
工业需求飙升+供应紧缩=中国能源危机 工业自动化 工业需求飙升+供应紧缩=中国能源危机 China’s ongoing energy crisis reached its peak in Q3 of 2021. At the peak, the…Theresa Haworth2022-01-07
减速机及工业减速机市场现健康发展态势 工业自动化 减速机及工业减速机市场现健康发展态势 How many times have you changed gear when you’re driving without thinking what’s happening under…Theresa Haworth2022-01-06
工业机器人零部件市场将保持6%年复合增长率至2025 工业自动化 工业机器人零部件市场将保持6%年复合增长率至2025 Interact Analysis have recently published a new market report providing insight and analysis into components…Theresa Haworth2021-12-21
新冠疫情之下,物理和结构测试设备市场有何动态? 工业自动化 新冠疫情之下,物理和结构测试设备市场有何动态? What is the testing market and why is it important? The way that automobiles, airplanes,…Theresa Haworth2021-12-17
工程机械业市场正“V”型恢复? 工业自动化 工程机械业市场正“V”型恢复? At times of economic turbulence, machinery markets get hit as consumer goods manufacturers slash spending.…Theresa Haworth2021-12-13
新冠疫情中的中国制造业:反弹之后,压力显现 工业自动化 新冠疫情中的中国制造业:反弹之后,压力显现 Chinese manufacturing is under pressure from both ends: raw material and energy prices are rising…Theresa Haworth2021-12-09
德国制造业正在恢复 工业自动化 德国制造业正在恢复 Our updated manufacturing industry output research forecasts global growth of 7.6% for 2021. This is…Theresa Haworth2021-12-06
为什么工业机器人零部件制造商应以协作机器人为目标? 工业自动化 为什么工业机器人零部件制造商应以协作机器人为目标? Recent years have been tough for the robotics and automation sector. Even pre-pandemic, the situation…Theresa Haworth2021-11-25
效率、安全和预测性维护——低压变频器市场的趋势 工业自动化 效率、安全和预测性维护——低压变频器市场的趋势 The variable speed drive market is back on track, with 7.7% growth predicted for 2021.…Theresa Haworth2021-11-01